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2015 OESP Award Winners

Service Manager of the Year: George Fantacone, Santoro Oil, Providence, Rhode Island and member of the Rhode Island Chapter is presented this award by Bob Daros of the Westchester Chapter. George is a National V.P. and chair of the Membership Committee. George also chairs our annual Dave Nelsen Scholarship Tournament.

George Fantacone Winner

Hugh W. McKee Memorial Award goes to Charles Holmes, J.W. Pierson Company, Glen Ridge, NJ. Charles is a very active member of the Garden State Chapter having served on all board positions. He served as President from 2008-2011. He is on the Financial Committee of the Association and is the sales manager for J.W. Pierson.

Holmes - Hugh McKee

Lou Ehrich Memorial Associate of the Year Award: George Pavlik, Plimpton & Hills, Danbury, CT.

George is a member of the CT Valley and New Haven Chapters. George is known to many of his customers as the guy to go to for assistance because whether he knows the correct answer or not, he will get them that need correct answer.


George Pavlik


Manufacturer of the Year: Carlin/Hydrolevel, North Haven, CT.

Award - Carlin-Hydrolevel


Lifetime Achievement Award: Judy Garber, Executive Director of the Association. Presenters include past presidents, Bob Boltz and Scott Hinkley (presenting). Judy has been with the Association since 1999.




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