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2013 OESP Award Winners

At our 60th Anniversary convention and trade show, these individuals received our 2013 Awards:

Hugh McKee Award:

This year it was a tie between Charlie Bursey, Rhode Island Chapter & Paul Cuprewich, Garden State Chapter.

Charlie began his career in the oil heating industry in 1963 and worked for 22 years delivering coal, kerosene, oil and he also serviced heating equipment. 1989 he became the GM/Service Manager for a company in Eastern CT and helped to start that chapter. In addition to working for F.W. Webb, he writes a column for Fuel Oil News and works as a salesman for F.W. Webb. He served as the president of the Rhode Island Chapter for 4 years. He has a passion for the industry is well known.

Paul Cuprewich is the Service Manager for Woolley Fuel, Maplewood, NJ. He served in all offices within his chapter and chairs their education committee. He is also a director on the board of Oil heat Cares and has spearheaded a number of projects. He holds an electrician’s license, Silver and Gold certificates. Ongoing education is something that Paul feels strongly about.

Instructor of the Year:

Angel Gonzalez, New York City Chapter.

Angel is a member of the New York City Chapter and currently serves as the chapter president. Angel has been involved with High School Technical Schools for a number of years; serving as the National Liaison for the past couple of years. He also is a National V.P. He is an employee of Petro, Maspeth, NY.

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Steve Rinaldo, Westchester Chapter.

Steve Rinaldo has held almost every office within his chapter. Steve is employed by Automatic Heating Supply, Yonkers, NY. Steve is involved with their scholarship committee and serves as the liaison between his chapter and their adopted trade schools. Steve is simply one of those behind the scenes guys that make it happen.

Lou Ehrich Award:

Rick Glownia, JAD Associates, CT Valley Chapter.

Rick is a very dedicated professional. He has been the secretary for the CT Valley chapter for many years and elected secretary of the New Haven chapter in September 2012. He has a true talent for coordinating events and communicating to members. He has spearheaded tech nights at the ICPA School in CT and coordinated trips to local factories. He’s a leader when it comes to fundraising and encouraging others.

Manufacturer of the Year:

Bock Water Heaters – award accepted by George Kusterer

Service Manager of the Year: Bob Daros, Heritage Fuel, Westchester Chapter. Bob is an owner and working service manager of his company. He is involved in his community and has been an active member of his chapter for over sixteen years. He served as president and is active on the education and scholarship committees within his chapter.


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